If you wake up every morning fearing the scale, you’re not alone. Read on to find out how to stop the scale scaries for good.

You know the drill. You step on the scale, you look at the number, and it completely ruins your day. But why? Probably because we’ve attached a particular value to what we want or think that we want to weigh. And if we don’t see that number, we start to panic.

But the thing is, the scale isn’t something to be afraid of. It’s just data. It’s just numbers. And if those numbers are causing you a bunch of anxiety, that isn’t going to help anything.

So here are a few things to remember:

1. The trends are what matters, not day to day. Our weights fluctuate due to water intake, hormone fluctuations, and so much more. Zoom out and look at how the trends are going. It’s sure to help you when you see a scary number after a night out.

2. The scale measures weight, sure, but it’s only one measurement. If you weigh more but your clothes fit differently, you’re headed in the right direction. I weigh more now than I ever have, because muscle is dense and heavy! Don’t be afraid to weigh more if that means you’re feeling and looking healthier overall.

3. Just because the number is high doesn’t mean you gained 10 pounds overnight. I know I mentioned this before, but the scale weight includes more than just fat. Sometimes we overeat, and that food weighs something. So does the water you drink. And if you eat some sodium, you may hold on to extra water for a day, making the number move up. You could also just be stressed, something else that causes water retention. And if you’re a girl, that time of the month will definitely mess with you, so don’t even bother weighing yourself then.

In short, go ahead and use the scale if you want to, but remember: it’s just a tool. Fearing the scale only gives it power over you. Flip the script and take that power back!

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