How eating the same “healthy” breakfast every morning might be harming your gut & causing some food sensitivities.

Do you eat the same thing for breakfast every single day? Because I used to. For more than a year, I had been starting my day off with a bowl of oats. But could that… be bad for me?

Actually, yeah!

Though it isn’t talked about much, eating the same foods very frequently can cause you to develop food sensitivities. These can manifest in many different forms, like acne breakouts, gut discomfort, or even just genuinely feeling bad after you eat a certain food.

How It Happens:

  1. You eat a food, like oats, every day as a pre- or post-workout meal.
  2. You go and exercise, placing the body in a state of inflammation, including in your gut.
  3. Some of the nutrients from those oats mistakenly pass through your gut membrane.
  4. Your body launches an immune response against those nutrients, treating them as invaders since they weren’t supposed to exit the gut.
  5. The next time you eat the food, your body remembers its last response and launches another attack against the ‘invader’ nutrients.

In short: whatever you eat the most of could result in you developing food sensitivities! Some foods, such as eggs, dairy, gluten, and nuts, are predisposed to be harder to digest as a protection mechanism — therefore it is easier to develop an intolerance to them.

To prevent developing food sensitivities, switch up your foods! Consuming a variety of different foods is best for your body anyway. Mixing up your breakfast is a great way to start! For example, I’ve been switching back and forth between a few different recipes, like this Fauxtmeal and my Protein Waffles That You’ll Actually Want to Eat.

Keeping your favorite foods in a rotation will help ensure that you can continue to eat them for the rest of your life without harm. What’s one thing you think you should rotate out of your diet? Let me know in a comment down below!

Are you struggling with a ton of food sensitivities? Check out my Gut Instinct Group Program to find out how to heal your gut, repair your relationship with food, and finally feel as healthy as you’re trying to be!

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