I’m going to tell it to you like it is:

I’m NOT an expert when it comes to anything business.

I swear every time I log into Instagram, there’s some other coach who suddenly pivots into selling “tHe OnLy WaY tO bUiLd A sIx FiGuRe BuSiNeSs” — but the truth is, most of these people have no idea what they’re talking about. Their masterminds and programs are designed to look attractive and get you to buy in, but they almost never provide truly actionable tips.

Christina Rice’s No BS Biz School is different.

I finally took the plunge into NBSBS this past October, and it was completely life-changing.

I’d read business books before. And I’d even bought into a few small courses before. But they didn’t really move the needle for me.

NBSBS was different.

no bs biz school business christina rice
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While other courses explain how to set up funnels or create a 5-step plan, this one goes deep. Christina taught me how to start manifesting my business with ease and flow instead of constant grind and burnout. She taught me how to start becoming more intuitive with myself and my business, and how I truly needed to learn to rest and receive and trust in myself instead of only taking action out of fear.

Because the truth is, I didn’t need more certifications, followers, a fancier website, or a huge email list to succeed. And I didn’t need to grind myself into complete exhaustion either.

Instead, NBSBS taught me to let go and release all of those mental and energetic blocks that kept me stuck in fear. The result? I made seriously quantum leaps in my business. No burnout or grind in sight.

Turns out, I’m a generator in my human design. And my strategy is to respond. So instead of pushing my way forward in my business, I really needed to learn to relax and let things come to me, first!

Once I did that, I was able to make more money through my business in one month than I had made the entire previous year on my own.

And that side job that I had refused to let go? I quit!

Yes, the course covers marketing and sales and pricing, etc. But the real magic was the energetic shifts I made while learning about Human Design, enneagram, limiting beliefs, and money mindset, all of which I now use with my own clients!

No BS Biz School has just relaunched as a self-paced course, so you’ll be able to get the support you need anytime and anywhere.

Here’s a little bit about what you can find inside:

  • 12 weeks (30+ hours of content) worth of jam-packed course material, including:
    • 38 video lectures led by Christina
    • 11 exclusive interview videos with 6 & 7 figure business owners
  • Access to a private Facebook community of other like-minded entrepreneurs in the program (like me!)
  • Downloadable PDF guides that you can go back to again and again
  • Lifetime access to course materials

Christina had reached out to me when she ran the program live the first time, and I said no (which was dumb). I ended up joining almost 6 months later, and I can’t even begin to imagine how much further ahead I could’ve been in my business if I’d just said HELL YES then instead of fearing my own growth.

So if you’re tired of getting in your own way and really want the actionable and energetic guidance to take your business (and YOU) to the next level, sign up for No BS Biz School today and use my code IPW400 to save $400 at checkout.

And remember, one of my main tenets is radical honesty. I don’t promote shit that doesn’t work. 😉

Enroll today, and I’ll see you inside the FB group!



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