Use these three tips to be a little healthier today without doing anything fancy or expensive. You got this!

It seems like every time you log into social media nowadays, someone’s trying to sell you something to make you healthier. But the thing is, CrAzY nEw SuPpLeMeNtS and killer workouts aren’t going to get you there.

What will? Small, manageable, and realistic changes that you can see yourself doing every day for the rest of your life.

If you’re looking to lose 20 pounds fast, I suggest you chop off your leg. But if you’re looking to actually look and feel as healthy as you know you should be feeling, keep reading!

1. Take 5 minutes to box breathe.

Box breathing reduces stress and improves your mood, and that’s only the beginning! There’s actually evidence that intentional periods of deep breathing can calm and help regulate your body’s autonomic nervous system, the system responsible for regulating all of your involuntary functions, like blood pressure and temperature.

To box breathe, start by exhaling all of the air in your lungs. Take a deep breath over 4 seconds. Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Let your breath out for 4 seconds, and then hold again for 4 seconds.

Implementing a few sessions of this practice a few minutes a day is a great way to be a little healthier.

2. Add an extra vegetable to your plate today.

If you want to switch up your diet and aren’t experiencing any chronic symptoms, I’d always recommend adding things to your diet before you take any away.

This strategy is perfect for people who tend to feel restricted when they have to cut out major food groups – and let’s face it, many of us don’t need to do that to be healthy!

If you’re looking for suggestions, here are a few of my favorites: arugula, green beans, carrots, asparagus, radishes, and cauliflower — check out this post for a great recipe!

3. Go for a walk in the sunshine.

Studies have shown that the shorter days in winter lead to increased levels of melatonin and DHEA, meaning you’re probably going to feel a little sleepy and hormonal. The best way to combat this? Get in the spring sunshine!

Spending time out in the sun (between 15-30 minutes at least) will not only boost your vitamin D levels, it’ll also boost your mood. That’s because decreased sun exposure is associated with a drop in serotonin, your body’s major feel-good hormone.

No matter which of these tips you try, I’m sure they’ll help make you feel a little healthier!

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