Today’s post was written by guest author Samantha Lee, a Digital Nomad Career Coach. If you work from home, you definitely want to check out her list of 4 Healthy Work from Home Habits!

The most common question I get about my work from home job is “how do you stay focused!? I could never do that!”

The truth is, building a healthy, work from home routine doesn’t have to be complicated. Remote work brings an element of flexibility and freedom that, when used to its greatest ability, can activate your most efficient and productive self.

No longer are my work days interrupted by silly meetings or repeat questions. Instead, I have my laptop, my work space, and the full trust of my manager and team to get the job done on my own time and schedule.

Still think working from home isn’t for you? That’s what I thought!

Getting started with a work from home routine can seem challenging. But in reality, it’s a simple process, and when done right, will build a space where you can thrive. It’s important to prioritize your health and wellness while you build your work schedule and space. I’ve created a simple list of 4 healthy work from home habits that you can start implementing today to drastically improve your focus and health while working online!

1. Work with Light

Take a minute to look at your current home office set up and take inventory. Where is the closest window? Are you getting any natural light? 

Sunlight is an invigorating force. In my own experience, extra vitamin D from the sun translates directly to both my work ethic and the quality of work I produce. Sunlight makes me feel empowered, creative, and focused (not to mention just way happier!)

If your at home work space is hidden away in the dark, consider moving to a bright area of your home. This could look like setting up a tall table by the window, or even just remembering to open the window shade right away each morning. Set yourself up for feeling these powerful and positive emotions by reworking your work space to embrace the light!

For digital nomads who are constantly switching up their work environment, this doesn’t have to be hard. Make a conscious choice to find coffee shops, libraries, or public parks with ample sunlight. Take advantage of your flexibility and maximize the benefits of sunlight in your work!

2. Practice the 20/20/20 Rule

Ever felt like your eyes are strained, your jaw feels tight, or your forehead is cramping after working on your computer for too long? Working from home usually involves lots of time spent on the computer, which can have lasting effects on your body and brain if you don’t listen to these signals! 

If you’ve been experiencing any of these body strains, the 20/20/20 rule can be an effective strategy to give your eyes (and your brain!) a break! 

If you work remotely from home or as you travel the world, you know that remote work typically ties you to your computer. In a traditional office setting, this computer work is usually split up with meetings, phone calls, or even unwanted interruptions from coworkers. 

But at home, it’s different. All those meetings and phone calls happen online, and messages from your team can be snoozed when you’re deep in thought. Without the common interruptions from an office environment, you might find that hours will pass before you look up from your laptop screen.

That’s where the 20/20/20 rule comes into play. The rule states that every 20 minutes, you should shift your gaze to something that is at least 20 feet away from you, and fix your gaze at that distance for 20 seconds. Not only will this strategy provide relief for your eyes, jaw, and forehead, but it’s a built in reminder to slow down or take a break.

The adjustment helps your brain relax, keeps your eyes engaged, and releases tension you might be holding in your forehead or jaw. If you need help remembering to implement this rule, consider setting a calendar reminder or 20 minute timer. Or, if you listen to music while you work, try the 20/20/20 rule after every 4-5 songs!

3. Move!

Basic movements throughout your work day are essential to maintain focus, attention, and energy. Movement can bring an invigorating energy back into your project, client call, or writing assignment.

Daily movement doesn’t have to be overwhelming or complicated. In fact, frequent, simple movements will keep you constantly engaged with your work. Consider purchasing a desk that encourages movement, like this convertible standing desk. With the ability to quickly shift from sitting to standing, you’ll combat the feeling of restlessness.

Other ways to incorporate movement into your daily workflow are:

  • Replace your chair with a yoga ball to engage your core and provide the option to bounce while you work
  • Use a foot or muscle roller on your feet as you stand to relieve pressure and massage your foot muscles
  • Split your lunch break in half- spend half the time eating, and the other half walking around your neighborhood. Not only will this keep your body moving, but you’ll balance your blood sugar and maintain that energy throughout the afternoon!

 Remember, these movements don’t have to be big to be effective.

4. Chunk your Responsibilities

Raise your hand if you’ve ever looked at your computer monitor and had 30+ tabs open at once. 

I know I have! Most often, this is a sign of multitasking. And, to be brutally honest, multitasking just doesn’t work.

It’s radically more efficient to chunk your time based on like tasks, and maintaining complete focus on those tasks. 

Working from home comes with its own set of challenges, and some of the largest ones are email and slack. Remote teams are in constant communication, and it’s super easy to change your train of thought to your notifications, rather than your upcoming project deadline.

Chunking up the day and dedicating specific time to each task helps you stay on track, giving all your attention to one task rather than spreading yourself too thin. Not only will this strategy avoid burnout, but it’s also a way to build breaks into your day. Consider taking a movement break or using the 20/20/20 rule each time you change tasks.

If you work from home or travel and work as a digital nomad, these healthy work from home habits can be implemented right away. Set aside a few minutes today to assess your current work routine. Are you prioritizing your health? Are you making time for movement? Have you seen the light of day today? Take an inventory and start implementing these healthy habits right away.

Samantha is a Digital Nomad Career Coach teaching aspiring digital nomads how to find fully remote work opportunities and build flexible, independent lifestyles and careers. If you’re looking for flexible, remote work that gives you the option to work from home or travel the world, check out her resource guide, the Top 5 Sites to find Digital Nomad Jobs!

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