
Resistance Band Basics: 10 Exercises You Need to Get a Great Workout

No weights? No problem! Learn how to supplement key exercises with resistance bands for a super effective workout you can perform at home!

Let’s face it. Most of us aren’t getting back into a commercial gym anytime soon. And not everyone wants to be a crazy psycho like me and build a gym in their basement.

Lucky for you, you don’t need any kind of fancy equipment to get in a great workout. All you need is a set of resistance bands!

Resistance bands are the perfect tool to add to your home workout routine because they’re incredibly versatile and not expensive at all. And the best part? You can still get your hands on them quickly, even in the middle of a global pandemic.

If you need a set of resistance bands for yourself, I highly recommend Rubberbanditz brand! This is the combo set that I use, but they come in even more strengths if you really want to challenge yourself.

Now let’s get to that workout…

To get a full workout, perform 3 rounds (sets) of 8-12 repetitions of each of the following exercises. You’ll also rest for one minute between each set. So if you’re starting with glute bridges, it would look a little something like this:

12 glute bridges, rest for 1 minute, 10 glute bridges, rest for 1 minute, 8 glute bridges, rest for 1 minute. Then move to the next exercise!

Be sure to write down your sets and reps of each exercise as you go so that when you repeat the workout you can challenge yourself to do even more reps! (You can learn more about goal setting over here, too.)

Banded Glute Bridge

Loop a small band around your legs right above the knee. If you don’t have a small band, you could also tie a knot in a longer one to use for this exercise. Lie on your back and bring your heels in with your feet flat on the ground. Drive down through your heels to bring yourself up into a bridge, making sure to push out against the band so your knees don’t cave in. Lower back down to the ground.

Make sure you’re keeping your spine nice and straight for this one and really engaging those glutes!

Banded Squat

Loop your resistance band underneath both of your feet and around your neck. If you have a band with two handles, hold the handles at shoulder height and loop the band under your feet. Take a deep breath into your abdomen, then, while keeping your knees from caving inward, sit back and down — like you’re sitting on a chair — until your legs pass through a 90 degree angle. Press back up and return to standing.

The biggest mistake with squats comes with leaning forward too far. Think back and down, and you’ll nail it.

Banded Deadlift

Step on the band with both feet and grasp it in your hands on either side. Stand with your feet about hip width apart, a little more narrow than they would be for your squat. Bend down and hinge from the hips, sending your butt back behind you while keeping your spine in a straight line. Stop when you feel a stretch in the back of your leg. Imagine yourself driving your feet down into the floor and extend your hips forward while keeping your chest upright until you’re back in your starting position.

This is another move where having a nice straight spine is important. And don’t worry if you can’t come down as far as I do here. Hamstring flexibility will improve with time!

Banded Push-Ups

Begin by looping the band around the backs of your shoulders. Hold either side of it in your palms as you place them flat on the floor. If you have handles on your band, place those flat on the floor under your palms with the band around your back. Adjust so that your hands are directly under your shoulders, or maybe a little wider. Raise your legs up to get into a full plank position. Lower your body down until your chest nearly touches the floor. Press back up to return to the starting position.

If you can’t do a full push-up just yet, drop to your knees to challenge yourself and work your way back up to a full one.

Banded Straight Arm Pulldown

Loop your band over a high point, like a pull-up bar or door hook. Take a step back so that the band is up in front of you at an angle and grasp it with both hands. Set your feet about shoulder-width apart and pull your shoulder blades back and down. Drive your arms down to your sides with your elbows locked until they’re in line with your hips, or just behind them. Reverse the motion back to the starting position.

Make sure you’re keeping your arms nice and straight – you don’t want to turn this into a tricep move.

Banded Pull-Apart

Hold the resistance band ends in both hands, arms extended in front of you at chest level. Open your arms out to your sides and imagine drawing your shoulder blades together in the back until your arms are directly out at your sides. Return to the starting position.

Even though you probably really want to shrug your shoulders up to your ears during this one, don’t!

Banded Upright Rows

Stand on your band with both feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Grab the middle of it with both hands. Row your elbows up to the ceiling and bring the band up to just above your chest line. Think chicken dance! Return to the starting position.

It may look funny, but it sure is effective at building shoulder strength.

Banded Hammer Curls

Stand on the band with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding either side in each hand. Your thumbs should be facing forward. Curl your arms up while keeping your elbows glued to your sides. Release and reverse back to the starting position.

Be sure to pause for a second between reps so you don’t cheat yourself.

Banded Overhead Tricep Extension

Stand on your band with both feet and hold the opposite end in grasped hands. Begin with your arms directly overhead. Bend your elbows to bring your fists back behind your head while keeping your spine straight. Bring your hands back up to the starting position.

Mess around with where you’re holding the band until it feels comfortable for you. You’ll know when you find the right position.

Banded Side Chops

Begin by looping your band around a tall object around chest level. Grab the band with both hands with your arms extended out in front of you. The band anchor should be at your side. Twist from your torso to rotate away from the anchor. Your arms should remain straight during this movement. Slowly rotate back to the starting position.

Remember, you’re twisting here, not using your arms!

Give this routine a whirl the next time you want a super effective at-home workout!

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you’re going to order some resistance bands, I would love it if you use my link

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