I’m currently accepting new 1:1 clients!

Are you tired of counting every calorie that goes into your mouth?

Are you sick of spending seven days a week in the gym?

Are you confused why you feel so drained and burnt out when you seem to be doing everything “right”?

Guess what? Eating less and exercising more doesn’t always bring you any closer to living the healthy life you want.

The health and fitness industry is full of lies, misinformation, and misdirection. Everybody is looking for or trying to sell the next quick fix, but as you probably know, quick fixes aren’t the way to get real results.

You should be able to give up following these arbitrary rules and discover how you can use food and exercise to make you feel your best.

You shouldn’t have to be consumed with figuring out how to live a healthy life. You should be able to live that healthy life without major sacrifices.

Living healthy is something that everyone can do, but it’s time consuming and overwhelming to sift through the millions of recommendations from media alone. That’s where I come in.

I want to show you that you don’t have to worry about giving up “control” over the food you eat. That you don’t have to sweat it out 7 days a week to look and feel your best. I want you to be able to live the healthy life that you’ve been trying to live all along. Imperfectly.

And my Compass Method will teach you how to do that.

But hey, you’re probably wondering how I know all of this.

It’s because that used to be me, too.

Hi. I’m Paige, creator of Imperfectly Paige Wellness. And at the beginning of my health and fitness journey, I was definitely not well.

After a breakup sent me spiraling during my sophomore year of college, I was feeling down in the dumps and out of control. And since I felt so out of control in one area of my life, I desperately tried to regain control in others.

And on the outside, it seemed to work.

My old days of drinking mochas and eating bagels were over; it was time to eat clean. I convinced myself that I needed to eat less and less every single day. I became afraid to eat foods that I used to love, like chocolate and bread. I controlled my exercise. I spent every morning jumping up and down in my living room to workout DVDs and refused to take the elevator; I could never take a rest day.

Because you have to hustle? Right?

But the thing was, I was completely miserable.

I thought about food every minute of every day. I couldn’t concentrate in classes because I was too concerned about how many minutes were left until my next meal. I would force down protein shakes and scold myself for having a cookie.

I refused to wear clothes that fit me properly, and almost never let people take pictures of me. Those two above are some of the only ones I could find from that time in my life, because I thought I looked fat.

I wasn’t giving my body enough fuel for my crazy workouts. I was tired all the time but found myself unable to sleep at night. But I was trapped in the routine that I had created for myself, too afraid to break free.

It took spending a semester abroad in France to realize that I didn’t have it all figured out. I lost control over my food and exercise while living in France, but I gained control over my health.

I ate the foods that I had learned to fear — bread, cheese, chocolate — and I didn’t “lose all my progress.” I didn’t blow up like a balloon, or gain 20 pounds. Instead, I felt better. I felt alive. I was giving my body enough fuel to go on amazing hikes in the French countryside. I slept through the night instead of waking up to the sound of my stomach grumbling. I felt good.

When I came back to the states, I had a new perspective and mindset when it came to my health.

I started weight lifting a few days a week instead of doing insane HIIT workouts every day. I ate the foods that my body craved, including a sweet treat at night or a piece or two of bread with dinner. I began researching the crap out of exercise science and nutrition. I was shocked to discover that so many people still believed that exercising more and eating less was the only way to be healthy, when, for me, it was exercising less and eating more that gave me true health.

Now, my goal is to help you take control of your health in a world of information overload.

If you’re confused by the massive amount of health and fitness advice online and in the media, I’m here for you.

If you’ve been constantly doing all of the “right” workouts and eating all of the “right” foods but you’re not seeing the results you were promised, I’m here for you.

You shouldn’t have to waste your time or your well being following this out-of-date and under-researched information. I am here to dive deep into your individual needs to help you become truly healthy once and for all.

After all, we only get one life: we need to live it in the most perfectly imperfect way possible!

Three Reasons My Compass Method will NOT work for you…

If you’re expecting a fad diet, calorie or macro counting, or anything that involves tracking numbers, this Method isn’t for you. While following my Compass Method, you’ll learn to eat foods that make you look and feel your best. And since every person is unique, it’ll take time, perseverance, and commitment to make a fundamental shift in your body and your health.

If all you want is a six-pack and you’re willing to do whatever extreme thing it takes to get there, this isn’t the Method for you. If you undereat and overexercise, you’re sure to hit that goal. But being extremely lean and shredded doesn’t mean you’ll be healthy, and you definitely won’t be able to sustain those extreme results. Following my Compass Method will teach you sustainable lifestyle changes that help you achieve the body of your dreams WITHOUT crazy calorie restriction, hours of cardio, and fear of eating out.

If you’re going to give up on yourself and your health after one late night pizza run or failed workout, this Method isn’t for you. I’ve seen so many people “fall off the wagon” and tell themselves that they’ll “get back to it on Monday” and continue to stay stuck in that cycle. You can’t “fall off the wagon” when following my Compass Method. There’s no wagon to fall off of! Instead, you’ll learn that doing something is always better than doing nothing. If you’re not going to commit to yourself, you’ll never see the lasting, sustainable changes that you crave.

My Compass Method is Right For You If…

You’re sick of spending so much time counting calories and macros, obsessing over choosing the lowest calorie options, and eating flavorless, unsatisfying food.

You want to feel energized and vibrant after your meals instead of sluggish, bloated, or queasy.

You want to be able to start trusting your body when it tells you it’s hungry.

You have always struggled to lose “the last five pounds” no matter how hard you’ve tried.

You feel like you’re trapped in your own routine of extreme calorie restriction and high intensity exercise and you want to find a way out.

You spend so much time on social media scrolling through pictures of food that you “can’t eat” wishing that you could.

You lie awake in bed at night feeling antsy, wired, and hungry for your next meal.

You don’t want to feel like a failure every time you indulge in dessert.

You feel constantly exhausted and need a nap to make it through the day.

You’re tired of struggling to control your food intake and exercise routine and wish that you had a sustainable solution.

You’re 110% committed to finally leave the yo-yo dieting, extreme exercise, and body shaming negativity behind you.

As my client:

  • You’ll learn how to find true health without obsessing over counting calories or minutes on the treadmill.
  • You’ll learn to eat more food without fear, both in your own kitchen and out at restaurants.
  • You’ll develop an exercise routine that you not only love, but will help you achieve the body and sense of health and wellness you’ve always desired.

What’s Included in my 1:1 Coaching?

Rewiring Your Thinking

You’ll learn how to get clear on your goals and pinpoint your why, how to rewire negative brain patterns, start busting diet culture lies, and improve your body image for good.

Nutrition 101

How to build a nourishing meal, how your metabolism really works, how digestion works, decoding fad diets, and how to choose the right foods for you without following any diet rules.

The Supporting Pillars

Realistic stress management, creating optimal workout routines, and getting good sleep – because these all play a part!!


  • 1:1 sessions with me to help you overcome any obstacles that come up along the way.
  • BONUS PDFs, worksheets, and other resources that you need to get the best results.
  • Unlimited Voxer & email support from me for any questions that come up.

While the internet may offer promises of quick fixes through cookie-cutter programs, no two people are exactly alike, so why should their fitness and wellness plans be? I will work closely with you to provide personalized fitness and wellness plans that, when done together, give you the best odds for reaching your health goals. Every person lives their own life with its own set of challenges, and together we will take steps to tackle yours.

After Working With Me to Learn the Compass Method, You Will…

… know how to use delicious foods to nourish your body without needing to log every calorie into My Fitness Pal.

… feel relaxed and confident when your friends ask you to go out to your favorite restaurant.

… be energized from sun-up to sun-down without the need for a nap or a snack.

… no longer suffer from bloating or digestive issues after every meal.

… be able to move your body in a way that makes it look and feel its best and feel like a total badass in the gym.

… finally achieve the body and health of your dreams.

Now, let’s get you well!

Curious to see if we are a good fit? Schedule a free discovery call down below!

I look forward to helping you sift through the diet & fitness culture BS to take control of your health!


See my most recent client wins on my Testimonials Instagram Highlight!
